For anyone who's fortunate enough to have a pretty nice life, yet manages to do everything humanly possible to run themselves into the ground, constantly waking up a pile of human degradation. Attempts at self improvement prove futile, and day in and day out you become an increasingly distorted and rotten reflection of all the promise that once was.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Orenthal Endorsement #8

Check out my dude Chad's blog. He actually did talk to NatPo the other night, and he gives a recap of that convo as well as his call to her a few days later (you always wait at least 2 days to call a chick, bro). He doesn't update it often, but the posts about his ex-girlfriend are required reading. They're creepy, uncomfortable, and haunting, much like the man who wrote them.

Xoxo y'all

-Dr. Coquetoastan

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